I don’t want my moderators to be able to delete things!
Starting in version 3.3, and following heaps of feedback from customers, we finally added the ability for your Site Moderators to be able to delete posts from the frontend. This means they also have a more traditional moderator role, previously seen with forum moderators.
We still recommend Site Moderators make use of the ‘moderate’ function rather than to delete items. By moderating an item, it is not trashed, but instead just hidden (usually pending a further investigation).
If you do not want your moderators to be able to delete items, we have created a simple filter you can use. In your functions.php file (or wherever else you put your actions and filters), simply insert the following:
add_filter( 'bptk_allow_mods_delete', '__return_false' );
And that’s it. Site Moderators will not see the delete button under other user’s posts.